Castle F.T.A.R.C Committee Meeting Held On 2nd April 2017



Castle F.T.A.R.C Committee Meeting
Held On 2nd April 2017


Meeting opened by Colin Jones @ 09.11


Colin Jones Chairman
Andrew Purseglove Secretary
Sam Walker Assistant Secretary
Paul Flinders Treasurer
Mark Henson Development Officer
Pete Rowley Club Liaison Officer
Damion Wing Range Officer


John Amos

1. Castle Clean Up Day.

It was proposed that we would have a club clean up day which would include emptying of all the club buildings so we can refurbish and tidy them up.
It was passed that we would obtain a skip and get paint and materials to hand to complete the refurbishment. This will be carried out on Saturday June 3rd and will require as much help from club members as possible.

It was also passed that any new members who are not seen to be helping at the club that they would be emailed and reminded of the conditions of membership.

2. Limiting club membership.

It was proposed that club membership be limited to 100 members, the rationale was to stop the club becoming too busy at peak times and help in a small way to protect the field from damage. It was suggested that the club did not require new members and if new members were to be encouraged we should aim it at the younger shooters.
This was not passed as it was seen that we would be limiting the growth of the club, but it was suggested and passed that any new member requests would only be considered from Field Target Shooters who would be vetted by the committee before the 3 monthly probationary period would start.

3. Covered Silhouette Range.

This was proposed and passed but was deemed that we should seek the land owner’s permission before carrying out the work. The funds would be available up front to cover the materials and agreed that the members would supply the labour to erect the shelter.

4. Car Park Extension

It was proposed to see if the farmer would consider making the car park area larger if the cost was reasonable.
It was agreed for John Amos to approach Barry and ask him if it would be possible and to get a feel of the cost before making a decision.

5. Adopt A Charity

It was asked if the club would consider in adopting a charity, this was suggested after seeing how the McMillian Nurses provided support to Jim Nee and his family during his illness.
It was agreed that this would be a good idea and to charge a bit more for one of our annual shoots like the Portcullis, the charity would be chosen for the event and publicised beforehand.

6. Castle Event Dates

Cyril Julian Sunday 18th June
BFTA Grand Prix Round 6 Sunday 16th July 2017 (help will be required from members)
MFTA Summer League Round 8 Sunday 27th August 2017
BFTA Masters Saturday 2nd September
BFTA Showdown Sunday 3rd September
Castle Portcullis Sunday 10th September
MFTA Winter League Round 1 Sunday 15th October 2017
Castle Christmas Shoot Sunday 17th December

7. Club Constitution & Rules

It was felt that the constitution and rules of the club should be brought up to date. Sam Walker agreed to look at this (now completed).

8. TSB Bank Signatory

TSB bank have requested that we hold a committee meeting to formally remove Rob Fisher as a designated signatory. The committee members present agreed that this should be done to enable the club accounts to be controlled by the new committee.

Meeting closed @ 10.03am